Modern electrical engineering

Meet the lecturers of International Summer School of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering

p. Adam Milczarek

Adam Milczarek, PhD Eng.  

Short description:

Received the M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering with specialization of power electronics in 2010 at Electrical Engineering Faculty of Warsaw University of Technology. Since 2011 he is Ph.D. student in Institute of Control and Industrial Electronics WUT. He has co-authored more than 20 technical papers and one book chapter. His research interests are oriented to integration of Renewable Energy Sources with grid and microgrid by Power Electronics Converters, including control algorithms, modulation technics and converter’s topologies. In recent years He is involved in the research project related to the smart transformer. He was also involved in many research projects in field of Power Electronics as a main contractor and as a supervisor in project correlated with control algorithms for islanded microgrid. As an academic teacher he specializes in numerous laboratory and tutorial classes on electronics and power electronics.


p. Cezary Soból

Cezary Soból, M.Eng.                                                   

Short description:

Received the graduate degree from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland, in 2018. Since October 2018, he has been working toward the doctoral degree at the Institute of Control and Industrial Electronics, Warsaw University of Technology. He defended the M.Sc. thesis entitled: “Two parallel connected, isolated, bidirectional dc/dc (DAB type) converters—design, construction and efficiency analysis in various work conditions.” He performed his research as a part of TEAM-TECH project entitled: “Highly efficient and fault tolerant SiC-based smart transformer in distributed energy systems.” He is author and co-author of three papers in international journals and conferences. His research interests include bidirectional, isolated DC/DC converters for various applications (e.g., energy storages, smart transformer, etc.). Since July 2020 he is an research and teaching assistant in Institute of Control and Industrial Electronics. For 4 years, as an academic teacher he has been performing classes such as: „Physical fundamentals of electrical engineering and electronics”, „Electronic circuits”, „Electronics Fundamentals”.

p. Bogdan Dziadak

Bogdan Dziadak, PhD                                         

Short description:

Assistant Professor with the Electrical Engineering Faculty at the Warsaw University of Technology, Poland, where he teaches courses and conducts research in sensors for nonelectrical quantity measurement, methods for strong EH field measurement, and design and development of measurement and energy harvesting systems. His current research focuses on microscale energy conversion.  


p. Adam Jóśko

Adam Jóśko, PhD

Short description:

Assistant Professor with the Electrical Engineering Faculty at the Warsaw University of Technology, Poland, where he teaches courses and conducts research in measurement systems and instrumentation for process monitoring and biomedical applications. His current research focuses on the problem of measurement of nano-second, high-energy pulses of the electromagnetic field.


p. Patrycja Helt

Patricia Helt, PhD Eng.                                       

Short description:

Assistant Professor at the Department of Power Grids and Systems. The main area of interest is the analysis and optimization of electricity distribution networks, installations design, computational intelligence. Supervisor of over 100 diploma theses, including in the field of GIS systems and IT applications, also in the power industry. Author of many articles and publications on national and international conferences. Contractor of many scientific and research works, grants and expert opinions, mainly in the field of power engineering. Collaborated on the development of an analytical and forecasting system for power networks. The main author of the computing system for district heating networks. Great practical knowledge in the field of computer science (databases, GIS systems, artificial intelligence).

p. Katarzyna Szmurło

Katarzyna Szmurło                                           

Short description:

Communication specialist at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology since 2019. Responsible for marketing and communication including activities related to popularization of studies and research of the Faculty. Maintaining Faculty’s online media (websites, social media), organizing events as well as producing short movies for online use. Deans’ representative for ranking of higher universities. Before WUT, for years professionally bound with the IT industry.  

p. Robert Szmurło

Robert Szmurło, PhD                                                   

Short description:

Robert Szmurło is with Warsaw University of Technology since year 2000 when he started his PhD education. He participated in more than 10 research projects (funded by polish Ministry of Science, commercial companies and European Union grants) which were all related to computer simulation methods. The subjects of the projects were related to modeling applications of electromagnetic fields in medical treatment, modeling electric impulse power supply systems, artificial intelligence in medicine for Radiotherapy planning, methods of modeling information systems and more. He is an author of 55 research papers with Hirsh index 5 (Scopus) and 8 (Google Scholar). His most recent research activity is related to applied computer science and application of computational methods and artificial intelligence in medicine and electrical engineering. Teaching activity: computer software design and implementation, numerical methods, machine learning, graphical user interfaces and UX.

p. Bartłomiej Ufnalnski

Bartłomiej Ufnalski, PhD, DSc.                                   

Short description:

Associate Professor at the Warsaw University of Technology. Head of Electrical Drive Division. Former deputy director for scientific affairs at the Institute of Control and Industrial Electronics. Control in power electronics and drives aficionado. Professional interests: electromobility, optimization using particle swarms, repetitive and iterative learning control, artificial neural networks, infectious teaching. Personal interests: open water swimming, mountain biking, inspiring my daughter to experiment, data understanding and communication, scientific skepticism, popularization of science, hobby control engineering, mainly using Arduino and STM32.


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