Modern electrical engineering




International Summer School of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Language: English 

Format:  Online

Date: 3rd - 15th July 2023

Duration: 2 weeks (75h - teaching hours)

Credits: 7 ECTS 

 Download official flyer of Our Summer School 

 Meet Our Lecturers 

Scope of the classes

The educational programme of The International Summer School „Modern electrical engineering" is aimed at foreign students of the first-cycle, second-cycle studies or doctoral studies, who want to expand their knowledge in the field of modern electrical engineering to the level of the requirements set by the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology.

Students of the summer school „Modern electrical engineering" of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, will broaden and complete their knowledge of electrical engineering. They will learn the basics of electrical engineering, electrical power engineering, power electronics, electrical metrology, electrical installations, energy distribution and transmission networks, and computational methods in technology.

The classes will last two weeks and will be held online in the form of lectures and seminars. 75 teaching hours are planned. In addition to scientific lectures, Polish culture and science will be presented to students. The aim is to show foreign students and doctoral students our history and tradition, and how friendly Poland is. They will be conducted by the teachers of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology.

Program of the International Summer School of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering - Modern electrical engineering:

No. Course name Time [h] ECTS
1. Introduction to the power industry 10 1
2. Energy distribution and transmission networks 10 1
3. Electrical installations 10 1
4. Fundamentals of electronics and power electronics 10 1
5. Computational methods in technics 10 1
6. Electromobility 10 1
7. Technical measurements and signal processing 10 1
8. Popularization of Polish culture and education in Poland  5 0
The sum of hours completed as part of a remote or hybrid course: 75 7


Brief description of the topics of the classes is here.

The International Summer School of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering "Modern electrical engineering" – will have two editions in the summer of 2022 and 2023. The number of foreign students in each edition is 15 participants. After completing the course, each participant will receive a summer school graduation completion at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering end will receive 7 ECTS.

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