
International Summer School of the Faculty of Physics

Language: English 

Format:  hybrid form of learning - 5-day course of online lectures,  5-day practical training in our laboratory

Date: 26th June - 07th July 2023

Duration: 2 weeks (60h - teaching hours: 30h online lectures and 30h laboratories) 

Credits: 5 ECTS 

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Scope of the classes

The International Photovoltaic Summer School aims to give hands-on experience on different fundamental and technical aspects of photovoltaic systems. Organized by the Photovoltaic Materials Group, Faculty Of Physics, this summer school is intended for foreign students of the first degree, second degree of studies or PhD studies.  

During the Photovoltaic summer school, the participants will learn how solar cells work: we will travel from the energetical structure of materials through junction formation to specific carrier transport mechanisms. The goal of the first part of the school (lectures) is to help understand which materials properties and external factors, like temperature or illumination conditions, influence the photovoltaic conversion efficiency (PCE) of a solar cell. From this perspective, we will finally make an overview of different PV technologies.  

During the laboratory part, the participants will measure optoelectronic characteristics of solar cells and experimentally verify how PCE depends on temperature and irradiance. They will also learn how to fit current-voltage characteristics to extract relevant transport parameters, and simulate the operation of a solar cell in dedicated computer software. 


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