Terms and admission

International summer schools WUT Summer schools of geomatics and aeronautical engineering WUT

Admission timeline:

  • Start of the admission for International summer schools WUT:
  • Deadline for application's submission:
  • Start of the admission for Geomatics and Aeronautical summer schools:
  • Deadline for application's submission:
  • Announcement of results:

Admission requirements:

Project participation is available to foreign:

- students enrolled for the first-cycle degree studies or a long-cycle Master’s programme, who have completed at least 4 semesters of studies, holding a certificate from the home university which confirms the student status both at the time of entering into the Project and its termination;
- students enrolled for second-cycle studies holding a certificate from the home university which confirms the student status both at the time of entering into the Project and its termination,

- PhD students as far as their background fits the school, holding a certificate from the home university which confirms the student status both at the time of entering into the Project and its termination,


1) foreign students/PhD students studying at foreign universities,
2) foreign students/PhD students studying at the Warsaw University of Technology or another higher school in Poland.



Within 14 days of receiving information about being shortlisted for the chosen Programme, potential participants are obliged to fill in, sign and send to the address indicated in the recruitment form, appropriate for a given Programme (summer school), the following application documents:

a) declaration of participation in the Project,
b) participant personal data form to be entered into the IT system of the NAWA Agency for the purposes of monitoring Project participants
c) declaration of the Project Participant concerning personal data GDPR POWER,
d) declaration of the Project Participant concerning personal data GDPR NAWA,
e) additional consent of the Project Participant concerning personal data processing,
f) English language certificate,
g) original document confirming the student status issued by the home university,
h) original motivation letter of a candidate,
i) the signed Regulations of recruitment.


1. Read recruitment regulations:

Regulations of recruitment, participation, payment of scholarships in the project_2023 (pdf, 574.04 kB)

1. Read recruitment regulations:

Recruitment regulations (pdf, 196.12 kB)

2. Prepare attachments to be uploaded in step 3.

Application attachments:

  1. Confirmation of student status issued by the home university (Annex no. 6) (pdf, 464.82 kB)
  2. Motivation letter
  3. English language certificate or an equivalent document

2. Prepare attachments to be uploaded in step 3.

Attachments (zip, 553.97 kB)

3. Fill the online form and upload attachments:

Online form for International Summer Schools WUT

3. Fill the online form and upload attachments:

Online form for Geomatics and Aeronautical Engineering

4. After receiving an information about being shortlisted for the chosen Programme, prepare the attached documents that are required to be signed and send to the address indicated in e-mail

Application documents -> Modeling and improvement of processes in supply chains (zip, 1.93 MB)

Application documents -> Process modeling (zip, 1.93 MB)

Application documents -> Modern electrical engineering (zip, 1.87 MB)

Application documents -> Photovoltaics (zip, 1.93 MB)

Application documents -> Photonics (zip, 1.93 MB)

  During the recruitment process, the candidate should choose only one summer schools programme
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