The Aeronautical Engineering summer school is focused on presenting some of the most interesting aspects and research in aviation domain. During the summer school participants will get some basic knowledge about the aerodynamics, UAVs, materials and additive manufacturing. The lectures and laboratories will be leaded by our best staff and with the use of most advanced infrastructure and facilities.
1. UAV
The lecture will present selected aspects of the design and usage of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV). Students will learn what is important in the design of a UAV. How different disciplines, like: aerodynamics, structures, mass distribution, flight stability, technology, affect each other and influence the final design. What are practical issues of using UAV. How to optimize UAV and what numerical tools to use. All those aspects will be supported by number of examples.
2. Aerodynamics and Aeroacustics
During this lectures students will understand the basics of aerodynamics and aeroacoustics and how to identify aerodynamics and aeroacoustics problems with respect to the modern aviation. Some aspects of the course will be focused on flow-acoustics interactions, which includes effects on the generation and propagation of sound and computational application in aerodynamics and aeroacoustics. Students will get a knowledge on reference noise measurement points in certification process of a modern commercial airliner, about the sources of sound and their mathematical representation. Major sources of aircraft noise and computational aeroacoustics (CAA): Noise sources modelling and numerical approaches for sound propagation will be discussed.
3. Additive manufacturing and Materials
During the course, students will be introduced to the basics of 3D printing. The classes will start with a theoretical introduction and an overview of the additive manufacturing technologies available on the market. Then the principles of designing for 3D printing will be discussed, focusing on the most popular techniques: FDM, SLA and DMLS/SLS.During the hands-on part, students will be introduced to the basics of operating 3D printers. This part will include work safety, basic operation and maintenance activities. As part of the workshop, students will design and print sample parts or specimens, which will then be tested for mechanical characteristics.
4. Aircraft design
This module develops the knowledge about the aircraft design process and environment of their work. Also, how the design process can be aided by computer tools and experimental tests. Theoretical principles are underpinned by a case study. The module covers problems of aeronautical and space environment, phases and challenges of design process. The requirements, design, and functions of aircraft main components will be discussed. Finally, the methods of how the design process can be aided by numerical tools will be presented.
5. Mechanics of flight
The objectives of this course will be to discussed the theoretical, numerical, and semi-empirical methods for applied aerodynamics and flight performance analysis that are commonly employed in engineering practice for aircraft design and operations. It will be discussed basics of flying vehicles dynamics, and selected problems of static and dynamic stability and control of aircraft and helicopters. Some aspects of aerobatic maneuvers and high angles of attack aerodynamics and dynamics, including Loss of Control in the Flight phenomenon will be also discussed.
Part of the laboratories will be held on Aviation Research Center in Przasnysz near Warsaw (3 days) and some laboratories will be placed at Faculty infrastructure. Students will be transported and stay in ARC facilities for three days and then transported to Warsaw.
Aviation Center
Basic knowledge and getting acquaint with various platforms (quadcopters, planes, own constructions, DJI), data acquisition and basic analysis (RGB, thermal, multispectral). Students will see how the construction of the UAV may affect the data collecting and will gain some experience in various application of sensors and onboard devices.
During the hands-on part, students will be introduced to the basics of operating 3D printers. This part will include work safety, basic operation and maintenance activities. As part of the workshop, students will design and print sample parts or specimens, which will then be tested for mechanical characteristics
Each student would be able to take a flight with instructor in gliders! But before that students will learn how to prepare the glider to flight, safety issues and regulations!
During the practical part, students will be acquainted with modern measurement methods used in research in the field of materials and structural strength. As part of the workshop, students will carry out strength tests of specially prepared samples containing notches made of materials with different elastic-plastic properties. During the destruction process, deformations will be recorded using the Digital Image Correlation (DIC) system. The aim will be to show the effect of notches on the samples deterioration process.
Application of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) in laminar boundary layer instability flow regime which is typical for low and moderate Reynolds numbers. Application of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) in laminar boundary layer instability flow regime which is typical for low and moderate Reynolds numbers.
During the Summer school there will be a grill/welcome event held in Aviation Research Center in Przasnysz! In middle of the week there will be organized a polish day event on which participants would be able to try classic polish food and drinks!
Terms and admission (see right column)