
  • Dates: Edition 2 - June 19th – June 30th, 2023
  • Language: English
  • Format: hybrid form of learning - 5-day course of online lectures and practical classes,  5-day field measurements, laboratories, lectures and seminars
  • Duration: 2 weeks (60h: the first week - 30h online and the second week - 30h onsite classes)
  • Credits: 4 ECTS
  • Planned number of participants: about 20 people per course

Scope of the classes

In the Summer School of Geomatics, an intensive international education course presenting the scope of geomatics (geospatial engineering) is prepared for international students. The school's programme will include technologies such as geodesy, surveying, photogrammetry, laser scanning, and geoinformatics issues in the data processing. Participants will know theoretical introduction and exercise instructions within the following modules: Geospatial data in Geographic Information Systems, Basics of Surveying, Introduction to geodesy and geomatics, and Geomatics algorithms in Python. In the second week, during field exercises, participants will carry out practical exercises, including data collection with various technologies for engineering objects. During the school, there will be lectures on geomatics conducted by invited scientists from abroad and visits to special labs developed in WUT (in various fields of geomatics: mobile, GNSS, virtual and augmented reality, close-range labs).

Introduction to geodesy and geomatics - the module presents general issues in the field of geodesy and geomatics in a cross-sectional way, as part of the implemented issues, participants will also learn about the latest trends and technologies in these fields during lectures by invited guests and demonstration classes in laboratories.  Topics covered: Introduction to Geodesy, Reference systems' (ITRF, ETRF), GNSS networks, height systems in geomatics (EVRS), Satellite positioning systems and positioning methods (introduction to RTK/NRTK). The module includes also a visit to Astro-Geodetic Observatory and special geomatics labs

Geomatics algorithms in Python - the module aimed at developing participants’ programming skills; participants will learn the basic principles of processing geodetic observations using the Python programming language; lectures in Introduction to Python programming languages and practical classes in Selected geomatics algorithms in Python

Geospatial data in Geographic Information Systems – introductory module to general issues of geographic information systems, presenting various measurement technologies, including photogrammetric and remote sensing, and above all the issues of a contemporary approach to multi-source spatial databases and their processing in the GIS environment; planned courses: Geodata in GIS, Selected remote sensing applications for GIS, Basics of photogrammetry, GIS practical classes

Basics of Surveying – module related to the basics of surveying measurement in teams, implemented in an attractive form of presentation of practical classes with instruments, hardware and software; the planned task of terrestrial laser scanning, close-range photogrammetry, measurement with a total station and GNSS RTK technique is planned with processing those data with modern software

Terms and admission (see right column)

Dates: Edition 2 - June 19th – June 30th 2023

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