About the Projects

Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA), as part of the SPINAKER programme - Intensive International Curricula, awarded the Warsaw University of Technology with funding for the two following projects:

"International Summer Schools of the Warsaw University of Technology” (European Funds Contribution: PLN 716,950.00)

"Summer schools of geomatics and aeronautical engineering at the Warsaw University of Technology" (European Funds Contribution: PLN 785, 640.00)

As part of each project, the following summer schools will be implemented (5 different Programmes under the "International summer schools of WUT" project and 2 different Programs under the "Summer schools of geomatics and aeronautical engineering at WUT" project): 

  1. Modeling and improvement of processes in supply chains – International Summer School of the Faculty of Transport and the Faculty of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, on-site and online 
  2. Process modeling  - International Summer School of the Faculty of Management, on-site and online 
  3. Modern electrical engineering - International Summer School of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, only online
  4. Photovoltaics - International Summer School of the Faculty of Physics, on-site and online 
  5. Photonics - International Summer School of the Faculty of Physics, on-site and online 
  6. Geomatics - International Summer School of the Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography, on-site and online
  7. Aerospace engineering - International Summer School of the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering, on-site and online 

Participants who will take part in a mixed-learning summer school (carried out in on-site and online mode) will receive a scholarship to reimburse travel, accommodation and food costs.

Apply for: Geomatics and Aeronautical Engineering summer schools


The main aims of the both Projects are e.g.:

  1. increasing the practical skills and knowledge of Projects participants; 
  2. reaching foreign students and institutions with the scientific offer of the Warsaw University of Technology. 

The Projects also aims to:

  1. increasing the recognition of the Warsaw University of Technology in the international arena; 
  2. establishing cooperation in the international arena of a scientific nature; 
  3. increasing the knowledge of foreign students about Polish culture and arousing interest in it; 
  4. increasing the competences of academic teachers of the University of Technology involved in Projects.

We also hope, that participation in the chosen educational programme will encourage graduates of the summer school to consider continuing their studies at the next level – II or III at WUT.


The projects are implemented under the program of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange - SPINAKER - Intensive International Education Programs. The program is financed from the non-competition project no. POWR.03.03.00-00-PN16 / 18 "Supporting the institutional capacity of Polish universities through the creation and implementation of international study programs" under the Knowledge Education Development Operational Program.  


Picture presents logotype of Programme “SPINAKER” - The International Intensive Curricula


The logotype contains: the mark of European funds, the colors of the Republic of Poland, the logos of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange, the mark of the European Union.
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